Here you will find some of the produce options that come in our bags. Ever think to yourself, "why are these radishes, zucchini, or parsnips so good for me?" Well below are some nutrition facts that will pump you up to go home and cook some delicious meals to live a healthier life :)
Zucchini - dry eyes? Feeling under the weather? Chomp these down to get more Vitamin A in your life!
Spring Onion - extra manganese for a healthy metabolism
Broccoli - helps your body produce more serotonin, a chemical that helps with sleeping, eating, and digesting
Corn - adds a boost to your skin with B6
Cauliflower - great source of fiber
Kale - full of Kalerific Vitamin K which helps the blood blot to prevent excessive bleeding
Bell Peppers - full of vitamin A & E to help lower cholesterol
Radishes - packed with collagen which is one of the major building blocks of bones, skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments
Sweet Potatoes - just 1 cup has 50% of your daily needs of manganese, helping control your blood sugar
Chayote squash - this squash is a low-calorie and fiber-rich vegetable, so it is often recommended by doctors in cholesterol controlling and weight reduction programs
Cantaloupe - this fruit does not need enzymes so it provides lots of energy instead of draining us of energy
Apples - give you more energy than coffee
Nectarines - one cup of chopped nectarines has 8% of your daily vitamin B3 requirements, helping your body balance cholesteral
Onions - contain over 100 sulfide-containing compounds that can aid in the prevention of asthma and some types of cancer
Pomegranates - a compound found only in pomegranates called punicalagin is shown to benefit the heart and blood vessels
White Mushrooms - have selenium which helps increase your blood flow
Arugula - a rich source of certain phytochemicals that have been shown to combat cancer-causing elements in the body.
Grapefruit - a glass of chilled grapefruit juice, especially in winter, helps seriously boost your levels of vitamin C to fight off illness!
Parsnips - parsnips come packed with potassium and folate, two nutrients important for heart health
Sugar Snap Peas - 98% of your daily needs of Vitamin C in one cup to help strong teeth